How To Improve Your Memory For Studies

How to Improve Your Memory For Studies

Is it feasible to actually increase your memory? You may have wished that your memory was a little sharper if you’ve ever forgotten where you put your keys or forgotten crucial facts on tests. Fortunately, there are several activities you may engage in to enhance your memory.

Having a good memory is an important aspect of life individuals should strive for. A good memory helps you remember things fast and easily, sometimes you might have a problem remembering where you put your stuffs or you are simply trying to memorize something but your brain won’t memorize no matter how much time you put in your studies.

Although memory is affected by a lot of variables such as age, genetics, lifestyle, diet, brain-related medical conditions, and many more. But in recent times it is commonly associated with stress, busy, or been occupied.

The question is, can your memory be improved for study? If yes, how.

Not all variable that affects your memory can be prevented, but they are some actions an individual can take to improve memory. 

Here are some tips on how to improve your memory. 

How To Improve Your Memory For Studies

Good and regular sleep:

Sleep is very important to human health and good for overall brain health. Getting full night rest for about 7 to 9 hours is known to help the brain’s long-term memory.

Research has shown that sleeping before or after learning something new helps you remember quickly or for a long-time.

Research also shows that nurses working on the night shift make more mathematical errors and 68% score lower than nurses working on the day shift.

If you are sleep-deprived, it could harm your brain.

How To Improve Your Memory For Studies


When trying to memorize something or transfer knowledge from short-term to long-term memory it is always important to get rid of all distractions.

 Focus or attention is proven to transfer knowledge from short-term to long-term memory.

Avoid cramming:

Always take your time to study your materials. Research has shown that students who study their materials frequently over a period of time are better than those who crash-read or who read in a marathon.

Instead of cramming always strive to understand the information itself.

How To Improve Your Memory For Studies

Learn by Practicing or doing it:

Practicality is one of the best forms of storing information in long-term memory. If you practice what you read, you can learn by acting or creating gestures with the part of your body. If you can’t practice with body gestures, you can also imagine it. 

You can also discuss with yourself about the material. Talk to yourself about the contents of the materials.

Relate the materials with things you already know or things in your environment to help you comprehend better.

How To Improve Your Memory For Studies

Increase caffeine consumption:

Caffeine is known to boost memory in the short term. Studies show that people who consume caffeine in the morning have improved short-term memory.

Caffeine from tea and coffee is helpful for the brain. Caffeine also improves mental alertness.

Reduce alcohol consumption: 

Although alcohol is generally bad for the health, it has worse effects on the brain as it aids memory loss.

Alcoholic beverage drinks can have a harmful impact on the hippocampus a part of the brain that plays a major role in memory.

A study on 155 college freshmen shows that students who consume more than six drinks within a month have difficulties in memory recall tests compared to students who never had alcohol.

Drink a little quantity of alcohol or alcoholic beverage is not bad for the health but excessive or frequent intake is what should be avoided.

How To Improve Your Memory For Studies

Train your Brain:

Exercise your brain regularly to improve performance. Like other parts of the body the more you exercise it the better it performs.

Games that require a lot of cognitive performance such as crossword, Tetris, word recall, chess, mobile games built to improve brain performance, and many others should be considered.

Brain training games have been shown to improve the risk of dementia in older adults. Cover more material by learning to speed read.

Pay extra attention to difficult information or concepts:

Spend extra time rehearsing difficult concepts.

 You can also restructure your content to be ae to memorize the difficult concept better; it is always easy to memorize the beginning and end of the contents. By restructuring your content, you can position difficult concepts where you can memorize them better.

How To Improve Your Memory For Studies


Physical fitness has been proven to help general brain health. It reduces the risk of cognitive decline with respect to age and it also protects the brain from degenerating.

Regular exercise in your youth or adulthood is known to reduce the risk of dementia among older adults. It also helps improve cognitive performance among all ages.

Aerobic exercises such as jogging, brisk walking, jumping jacks, and many more have been proven to increase the heart rate thereby increase blood and nutrient circulation to your brain.

Anaerobic exercise such as stretches also improves blood flow and helps brain health.

Regular exercise may lead to the secretion of protein that protects neurons; it also improves growth in neurons which leads to improved brain health.

Test yourself:

Ask your self-questions and try to answer the question without having to look at your material. Most people think that they still remember their material content until they are asked questions about it. 

How To Improve Your Memory For Studies

Read out loud or teach yourself:

Research has shown that reading out loud enhances your memory of the material. Also, teach yourself or others enhances better understanding and memory of the material.

Some of the tips for improving your memory for studies might seem difficult and strange at first, but as you take your time to use these methods, with time it becomes easy for you and become part of you.

The key to learning or studying is to be disciplined, time conscious, and persistent. Without been discipline, it would be difficult to practice the method we mentioned above and it will be difficult to commit your studies to memory.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I improve my memory and reduce anxiety before a test?

To improve your memory and reduce anxiety before a test, you must prepare well ahead of time. This ensures that you are relaxed and well-rested before the test.

Several study tips will work wonders for anyone who wants to sharpen their memory and lessen their test-day stress. These strategies range from writing down your notes and reading aloud to studying in a group and blocking distracting websites. Anyone can utilize them.

How can you improve your memory naturally?

Memory and focus are two crucial elements that might significantly affect one’s academic success. Regardless of how challenging your course of study is or what sort of essay writing assistance you were able to acquire, you have a possibility of achieving your targeted marks if you have a good memory, which consists of the ability to recollect previous events precisely and with ease.

Another essential quality that might distinguish students is their ability to focus during class or studying. Interestingly, it will not take much effort to make these things better. Good sleeping habits, diet regulation, meditation, and exercise are excellent practices that can help with natural memory stimulation.

How do I improve memory and concentration in the classroom?

An effective way for kids to increase their memory and focus is to get enough sleep, especially at night. Additionally, research has shown that not getting enough sleep might negatively affect memory.

Additionally, it is advised to get between 7 and 9 hours of sleep each night. The rest time should also be considered in addition to its duration. For instance, if you often go to bed at around 10 p.m. every day, ensure you do so consistently.

Regularly doing cognitive exercises is another way to enhance memory. You must engage in mental exercises in this situation, progressively escalating the amount of difficulty. Crosswords, Sudoku, jigsaw puzzles, and chess are a few examples of brain games.

How do I keep my memory for as long as possible?

Meditating on them is a great way to keep your memories for a long time. This helps your brain to associate specific feelings and emotions with memories. This way, it quickly retrieves the memories when you need to recall them. 

In addition, lifestyle and habits such as regular exercise, diets including fruits and berries, regular sleep patterns, and sugar reduction have proven to affect memory retention positively.

Josh Hutcheson

E-Learning Specialist in Online Programs & Courses Linkedin

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