Recommeneded for beginners and intermediate learners
Recommended for intermediate and advanced learners
Udacity is giving personalised discounts
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Data preparation, cleansing, and analysis are all part of the data science idea used to handle huge data. A data scientist collects data from many sources and uses machine learning, predictive analytics, and sentiment analysis to glean important information from the data sets he or she has gathered.Now that you have heard a lot about Data Science and it’s the future aspect on one’s career track, you decided to be a skilled data scientist.
So you have decided to spare few months from your schedule to learn data science, mostly online, due to the fact that MOOCs(Massive Open Online Courses) give you the flexibility of learning anytime, anywhere from the comfort of your home.
Although you have sorted out two best options from all the online courses that teach Data Science, you are not able to make up your mind between the two: DataCamp and Udacity. Do you?
Take it easy. Even I was confused when I started my journey to learn Python(I had no coding skills as I was a beginner).
Hence I tried both of them.
That is why I think I am the right person to write on DataCamp vs Udacity, to help you choose the way to pursue your career as a data scientist.
For those who are new, DataCamp and Udacity are both online education institutes that provides courses on Data Science where DataCamp is specially focused on Data Science, Udacity being versatile in many fields.
Before moving to the complete overview on DataCamp Vs Udacity, let me congradulate you for choosing Data Science as your career track.
It’s good you sorted out two best courses around the globe to learn Data Science, DataCamp and Udacity.
But it’s still challenging to pickup one, to embark your journey in this field.
In this article I have done detailed side-by-side comparision on Udacity Vs DataCamp, their cost, duration and the value they bring to the table.
I am sure by the end of this article you will be able to choose any one of DataCamp and Udacity to start on your journey in becoming a Data Scientist.
Let’s go
What is the main difference between DataCamp and Udacity?
DataCamp is an online education company that provides interactive courses specifically for data science, whereas Udacity provides more extended nanodegrees in collaboration with a leading organization that focusses on technology-oriented topics.
In the coming section, we will go in detail about the quality of courses, their pros, and cons.
Keep Reading…
Also Read: Udacity Review: Will I get a job?
All DataCamp courses fall under the umbrella of data science and R programming.
Started in 2014, DataCamp today is one of the leading platforms to learn data science with 4 million users already benefited from the program.
Their curriculum is specifically designed for students new to data science or programming in general.
There are total of 325 courses on various topics that include Data Visualization, Data Engineering, Probability and Statistics, etc.
You can take as many courses as you want by yearly subscription on DataCamp. This we will discuss in the later section of this article.
Also Read: Datacamp reviews: How good the Platform is?
Udacity, on the other hand, is specialized in areas of computer science and programming.
They provide courses called Nanodegree Programs in partnership with various organizations and universities.
These certifications make you proficient in a specific subject or topic you choose to take.
In their School of Data Science Udacity provides various nanodegrees that also we shall discuss later.
Before that let’s see how much both these platforms charges you to be a data scientist.
Now, this is where, I think, DataCamp takes the lead
Course price plays an important role when choosing anyone between DataCamp and Udacity.
Both of them provides some free courses but their paid version is more career focussed.
Here I will first cover Udacity price structure and later DataCamp.
In Udacity School of Data Science, the average cost of nanodegree is $399 each which is bit higher than DataCamp courses.
You have to pay fixed cost for each nanodegrees. In case you wish to do multiple nanodegree, it leaves a hole in your pocket.
This is not the case with DataCamp.
DataCamp works on subscription rather than individual fixed cost.
DatsCamp has 3 price plans : Free,Basic and Premium
The free plan lets you take the first course of each topic without charging you a penny.
The basic plan will cost you merely $29/month.
You can take as many courses as you can during this period.
If you have ample time and wants to study slowly in order to grasp the subject properly,which is a good thought indeed, I suggest to opt for yearly subscription .
In this plan your monthly price is reduced to $25/month($300). In this way you can save upto $48.
Here’s the difference , with Udacity, paying the amount equivalent to Datacamp, you get access to the course for 3-4 months on enrollment, where you need to pay extra, in case you need more time to complete the nanodegree.
Whereas with DataCamp, you get a longer duration to complete their courses.
Moreover, if you are running short on money, you can choose the set of courses you wish to take, and enroll for the monthly plan and complete them in stipulated time.
This flexibility allows you to save more while learning more
This is why, when it comes to cost, I suggest DataCamp over Udacity.
Now we will have look at both the curriculums to discover who is offering more in less money.
Also Read: Datacamp vs Codecademy
Talking about Udacity first,they offer nanodegree programs which consists of 5-6 courses and generally takes 3-6 months to complete.
In its curriculum Udacty has various courses on topics such as programming,AI,cloud computing, data science,autonomus systmes and business.
Here we are concerned about the School of Data Science which consists of 9 nanodegrees in total.
The latest nanodegree added to the list is the data streaming nanodegree. (I have listed out all data science nanodegrees in the next section)
Each nanodegree consists of courses followed by project or quiz at the end of the course.
On completion students have to undergo a final project called capstone project that tests the entire syllabus learners have grasped.
Also Read: Review of Udacity Data Scientist Nanodegree
DataCamp on the other hand seems to be more engaging for newbies.
It has 312 courses on topics related to data science.
Each course being 4 hours long.
To help you choose set of courses,Datacamp has introduced skilltrack and career track.
You start by selecting a programming language you wish to learn.
Career tracks are meant for students looking to start a new career in data science.
You have the freedom of choosing the role you are interested in like Data Scientist,Data Engineer, Data Analyst etc. and the career track gives the courses.
Interesting. Isn’t it?
As discussed earlier, Udacity offers 9 Nanodegrees in its school of data science. They are
1.Data Streaming Nanodegree
2.Data Analyst Nanodegree
3.Data Engineer Nanodegree
4.Programming for Data Science with Python
5.Data Scientist Nanodegree
6.Data Structures and Algorithms Nanodegree
7.Predictive Analytics for Business Nanodegree
8.Programming for Data Science with R
9.Business Analytics Nanodegree
Also Read: Udacity Data Engineer Nanodegree Reviews
Whereas in DataCamp, there are 325 courses along with 43 skill tracks and 13 career courses.
Here are few examples of skill track ad career track:
1.Importing and Cleaning data with Python (skill track)
2.Unsupervised machine learning with R (skill track)
3.Data Analyst with Python (Career track)
4.Machine Learning Scientist with R (Career track)
DataCamp instructor are from various organizations and universities as mentioned here
Instructors on Udacity are some former teachers , graduates, CEO’s of some companies, etc.
In some courses like the self-driving cars and AI, Udacity founder Sebastian Thrun is himself a course lead.
Unfortunately, he doesn’t teach in any Data science courses.
Looking over the pros and cons of both, its difficult to say which one outweighs other.
Datacamp is well suited for beginners and intermediate learners.
It helps to start your journey in the field of data science and is good for learning basic fundamental concepts.
If you are looking for this then Datacamp is the best platform to start with.
On the other hand Udacity is well designed for intermediate and advanced learners if you are familiar with the concepts of data science (including python and R)
It helps to grasp the subject properly and can even land you a job in this field
I hope I did my best to help you decide between both the platform. Please do me a favor by purchasing the course through the links in this article
I am a aspiring data scientist with huge interest in technology. I like to review courses which are genuine and add real value to students career