15+ Best TreeHouse Courses for Developers in 2023 [Review]

best treehouse courses

TreeHouse courses, founded by Ryan Carson in 2011, is a great place to start if you want to take online courses on software development.

But with over 300 top TreeHouse courses, tracks and workshops TreeHouse can quickly become overwhelming.

Well, in this top TreeHouse courses review, we are going to look at the best TreeHouse courses to take if you want to get into software development and find your first developer job.

Here are the 12 best TreeHouse courses in 2023…

They’re all beginner courses and you don’t need any prior programming experience to get started!

1. Front End Web Development  
2. Beginning Python  
3. Learn Full Stack Javascript  
4. Java Web Development  
5. Full Stack Coding Foundations  
6. Fundamentals of Web Design  
7. Learn C# for Beginners  
8. Learn Ruby on Rails Development  
9. Learn UX: Interaction Design  
10. Learn UX: Research Process  
11. PHP Development: Intermediate Level  
12. ASP.NET for Beginners  
13. Android Development for Beginners  
14. Data Science Fundamentals  
15. Learn HTML Basics  
16. Learn Flask with SQLAlchemy  
17. Product Management Tools and Skills  
18. Project Management Tools and Basics  
19. Computer Science Basics  
20. Marketing and Sales Analytics Basics  
21. Learn React Javascript  
22. Learn Skills to Be an Entrepreneur  
23. Algorithms and Data Structures  
24. Developing Digital Literacy Skills  
25. Beginning Security  

1. How the Internet Works

Knowing how the technology you use everyday works will make you a more thoughtful and powerful user of technology.

In this top treehouse course you’ll explore how the Internet works, by investigating hardware like routers, switches, and servers and the TCP/IP protocols that define how information moves from computer to computer.

2. Introduction to HTML and CSS

Wanna get started creating web pages with HTML and CSS?

HTML & CSS are the basic building blocks of web development.

HTML, or HyperText Markup Language, is a standard set of tags you will use to tell the web browser how the content of your web pages and applications are structured.

In this Treehouse web course you’ll learn how to use CSS to select HTML tags and tell the browser what your content should look like.

Whether you are coding for fun or planning to start a career in web development, learning HTML and CSS is a great place to start.

3. Build a Simple Android App with Kotlin

This course covers the very basics of Android development.

You will build a simple app that will serve up some fun facts when you tap on a button.

You’ll start by an introduction to Android programming, a tool for Android development called Android Studio, and some very basic concepts of the Android app development Kit, or SDK.

By the end of this Treehouse course, you will have a good idea of how a basic app works, and you will be armed with the knowledge to start building more.

4. Java Basics

In this popular Treehouse course you will gain all the knowledge you will need to build an interactive command line program in Java.

You don’t need any prior programming experience.

You will create an interactive game that prompts users for different parts of a sentence and then generates a story using those words.

5. Machine Learning Basics

Machine learning encompasses many different ideas, programming languages, frameworks, and approaches to the subject, so the term “machine learning” is difficult to define in just a sentence or two.

But essentially, machine learning is giving a computer the ability to write its own rules and learn about new things, on its own.

In this top Team treehouse machine learning course, you’ll explore some of the big ideas.

At the end, you’ll write Python code that can make some intelligent predictions.

6. Introduction to Application Security

From protecting static web sites to the most complex of web services and APIs, every web developer should be aware of and adept at writing secure code and building systems that can stand up to the strongest of malicious users.

In this top Treehouse course, you will lay the groundwork for what you need to know to get started exploring the vast field of web security.

You’ll begin by learning why security matters to you as a web developer after which you will look at data security at an implementation level.

You’ll finish this course by examining the art of maintaining your websites, apps, and services on a daily basis.

7. C# Basics

C# is the most popular programming language in the Microsoft ecosystem of products. C# code is designed to run fast and to be easily maintainable.

In C# Basics, we’ll learn how to write simple programs with C# after which you can move to the intermediate C# track.

After learing the basics of C# you could move to some advanced stuff by learning Xamarin app development for cross platform apps.

So you’ll start by learning how to use variables and types. Along the way you’ll get to understand the C# syntax, types, strings, numbers and if statements.

8. Data Visualization with Excel

This Treehouse data science course is designed for absolute beginners, but can also benefit people who have already been using Excel to create charts.

You will learn about the fundamentals of data visualization, how create types of charts in Excel, and tips on how to get the most of the charts you make.

9. Introduction to Git

Git is a version control system – it helps you manage the different versions of your project files, and helps keep your work safe.

This popular course on Treehouse will show you how Git works, and how to upload your projects to GitHub.

10. How to Freelance

One of the many ways you can make money off your technical skills is to branch off on your own and freelance.

Freelancing can be a very rewarding and fulfilling life with exciting projects and great clients but there are lots of things to learn.

In this project you are going to look at how you can get started, where you can find clients, what you should be charging, and how to manage your first software development project.

In conclusion, these are not the only best selling courses or tracks on TreeHouse.

Treehouse has 1000+ videos on its platform teaching various skills that you need to become a professional developer.

Treehouse has made its focus on “coding” which is a great haven for a developer who wants to avoid all the distractions of other course marketplaces like Udemy.

Click here to claim your FREE 7 day trial of TreeHouse.

Have you taken any of these top TreeHouse courses before?

What was your experience?

Please leave your thoughts in the comments below.

Lerma Gray

Lerma is our expert in online education with over a decade of experience. Specializing in e-learning and e-courses. She has reviewed several online training courses and enjoys reviewing e-learning platforms for individuals and organizations.

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