If you are a high school student with a dream of one day building your own applications, then learning to code is a definite must-have in your skillset.
To be honest, learning to code as a beginner and then mastering the skill to build scalable web applications, mobile apps or even games is not an easy feat, so starting to learn when still in high school gives you enough time to pick up the momentum you need, at your own pace.
It all starts by looking up coding courses for high school students because these tend to target simple programming languages, with easier projects to accomplish.
In this article, I have reviewed the best coding courses and certifications for high school students to teach you to code in simple programming languages like Scratch and Python.
Here you’ll find the best coding programs for high school students that teach programming for kids of any age, that have been developed by some of the top schools in the country.
Let’s get started.